I love this!!
check it out before it's deleted because B's people have shit deleted fast. It's not suppose to be out until after the holidays.
p.s. a scene in this video is similar to a scene in Aaliyah's video.
2009 Wish List
So this is probaly not the only thing I want for 2009 but this is it for now, I will add to the list as soon as I find others...
Marc Jacobs' fall/winter 2008-2009 collection for Louis Vuitton:even though this was on there runway almost a year ago it recently was available in stores. It's only $2,700 yes ONLY lol

Ok this is like a year old but i love this bag too and want it! I cant decide which color I love the most.
Couture Bag

Last be not least I love the Gucci Indy handbag, I belive It will soon be the Gucci version of a classic like the Louis Vuitton Speedy
Gucci Indy- the price,style,color varys

Marc Jacobs' fall/winter 2008-2009 collection for Louis Vuitton:even though this was on there runway almost a year ago it recently was available in stores. It's only $2,700 yes ONLY lol

Ok this is like a year old but i love this bag too and want it! I cant decide which color I love the most.
Couture Bag

Last be not least I love the Gucci Indy handbag, I belive It will soon be the Gucci version of a classic like the Louis Vuitton Speedy
Gucci Indy- the price,style,color varys

100% Virgin Indian Hair (so confused!)
OK so I'm extremely new to this well not hair extensions but 100% Virgin Indian Hair lol. So right now for the past year I have been wearing Velvet Remi by Outre and it's fine but I've heard virgin Indian remy is better and can last up to a year so I wanted to try it. recently Outre launch there virgin Indian remi hair but I also heard its better to not buy from a established hair brand, and it's better to buy it curlie instead of straight and have it flat iron when its put in by your hair stylist. How many bundles do you need? They even sell it on ebay! That being said I'm extremely confused and I need any help possible. So I hit up my number one resourse...google.com lol so below I have some sites I found interesting!
PERFECT LOCKS(which happen to be way less than most which is REAL odd)
PERFECT LOCKS(which happen to be way less than most which is REAL odd)
Kim Kardashian Closet
A couple months ago I posted a picture of Kimmy K new closet you can click here to see the post I have some more I will love to share.
p.s. I so want this closet!
(click on the photo to enlarge it)

p.s. I so want this closet!
(click on the photo to enlarge it)

Behind The Purple Doors
So thanks to Lisa D. Blog (http://theultimatedivadiary.blogspot.com) I found out about Dwight Ebanks(the honorary housewive of ATL) possibly new reality show. But my bestfriend lives in Sandy Springs so I know alot of there shows only comes on Atlanta networks only like this Monica reality show a few months ago, hopefully it doesn't because I believe I will enjoy watching this in my free time...
btw: thanks diva!
btw: thanks diva!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hey everyone I just wanted to tell everbody HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Be safe and have a great day!!
The first black president of the USA

chiffon --
I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone including you gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.
We just made history.
And I don't want you to forget how we did it.
You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.
I want to thank you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.
We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.
But I want to be very clear about one thing...
All of this happened because of you.
Thank you,
This was the email that was sent to me and i will save it for years to come. I was speechless last night because not only did we make history but I was there to witness it even though the tickets were way expensive it was money well spent in my opinion. I live in a all white community and I believe my family are the only blacks in the town with saying that my high school was mostly the same and As I checked my Myspace and Facebook page today and saw how prejudice still exist and I really couldn't believe it! It's 2008 almost 2009 you would think the world has change but unfortunately you can't change some people, but weather they like it or not Barack H. Obama is the president of the United States as of January 20, 2009 and I'm stoked actually me and my family are planing our trip already to Washington, DC to witness him walking in and I cant wait!
*To veiw my photos from the rally in Grant park you can check out my Myspace*
Kimmy K.
Material Girl...
So I went shopping today, after I said I was gonna cut back on my spending...but if i don't buy it who will?? and I work to hard for the money!! So I saw this Louis Vuttion handbag called ANGELE PLATINE http://www.louisvuitton.com/web/flash/index.jsp;jsessionid=CURWCM320HDOMCRBXUDVAFYKEG4RAUPU?buy=1&langue=en_US&direct1=home_entry_us
I was ready to buy it (because you know gray is the new hot color for the fall/winter) but my good friend told me the handbag was the ugliest and I shouldn't waste my money...but mind I once spend $300 on a handbag that wasn't even big enough to fit my cell phone and I don't care how much it cost If I want I want it and that's it! So I didn't get it but should I get it or am I crazy??? Because honestly I think I'm going tomorrow and buying it...ahh why couldn't I just be a average normal chick and shop for ish at target?? Oh because I'M NOT THE AVERAGE NORMAL CHICK...
I was ready to buy it (because you know gray is the new hot color for the fall/winter) but my good friend told me the handbag was the ugliest and I shouldn't waste my money...but mind I once spend $300 on a handbag that wasn't even big enough to fit my cell phone and I don't care how much it cost If I want I want it and that's it! So I didn't get it but should I get it or am I crazy??? Because honestly I think I'm going tomorrow and buying it...ahh why couldn't I just be a average normal chick and shop for ish at target?? Oh because I'M NOT THE AVERAGE NORMAL CHICK...

Jennifer Hundson's boyfriend, attorney (and former I Love New York 2 contestant) David Otunga, 28, proposed to the Dreamgirls Oscar winner on her 27th birthday Sept. 12. Her answer was blindingly obvious the next night, when she flashed a 5-carat diamond-and-platinum Neil Lane ring at a United Negro College Fund tribute to Patti LaBelle. Says a source: "They're so excited."
the princess!
Sex And The City pt.2

The movie is fabulous! I just came home from a great night with a few of my close girlfriends. If you havent had the pleasure of seeing it I highly sugguest you see it asap...well it's sold out so whenever you can:) You know usally when you have a girls night you go for cosmos after the movie but being who I am I dont go to a regular theatre I go to an exclusive one and there pretty rare across the u.s. well anyways we were sipping our cosmos during the movie! They also had food but we had dinner plans afterwards. The movie was everything and more than what I expected I wont tell you because I dont want to spoil it for the people who havent seen it yet! Anywho Im really thinking about moving to NYC! I mean Los Angeles is fabulous because im in school there but what happens when I get that degree!?! Do I still want to continue my life there!?! Well at the moment I dont know but I do know I wont be moving back to my hometown!!